The Maldives Celebrates the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Century of Advancing Social Justice and Decent Work
18 December 2019
The centenary celebrations were graced by His H.E. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, President of the Republic of the Maldives.

The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nation’s oldest specialised agency, has been marking its last centenary celebration in 2019, paying tribute to social justice and decent work, circling the entire world.
Maldives as the youngest ILO member state in Asia, threw a colourful and symbolic series of events on 16th and 17th December.
H.E. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, President of the Republic of the Maldives graced the celebrations, handing over a special Maldivian commemorative coin marking 100 years of the ILO to the ILO Country Director for the Maldives and Sri Lanka, Ms. Simrin Singh, and witnessing the signing of an ILO-Maldives partnership MOU, as a sign of a solid partnership between the Maldives and the ILO.
In Maldives, a 150 strong solidarity bike ride through Hulumale Central Park, a song dedicated to the ILO by talented and renowned Maldivian singer, Moosa Samau, flag hoisting of the national flag at the National Art Gallery in the presence of the President, Ministers, diplomats, workers and employer’s representatives marked the ILOs 100th year.
A much anticipated announcement by the ILO Country Director and Minister Fayyaz Ismail of Ministry of Economic Development, confirming the finalisation and formal submission of ILOs analysis and recommendations to set an evidence based minimum wage in the Maldives was made.
Beneficiaries from past ILO projects and diverse governmental, private sector, and workers partners attended the events, sharing their stories of ILO’s engagement in the Maldives.
“The Government of Maldives is delighted to join hands with ILO, in celebrating 100 years of long standing service, in promoting labour standards, social justice, tripartisim and decent work across the globe. We convey our felicitations and well wishes to the Director General, Mr. Guy Ryder and his staff in this commemorative year of celebrations,”
Fayyaz Ismail, Hon. Minister of Economic Development

Commenting on ILO’s centenary, Ms. Simrin Singh, Director – ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and the Maldives, stated: “The ILO’s mandate is that, universal lasting peace can be established only if it is based on social justice. For the past hundred years, the ILO has worked to build an equitable and just world of work. We are grateful for the support that all our partners in the Maldives have extended to us. As we reflect on our journey of 100 years, we reaffirm our commitment to building a future of work in the Maldives which leaves no one behind.”
Since May 2019, the ILO Country Office has worked on helping the Maldives arrive at its first ever Minimum Wage through robust evidence based analysis and social dialogue. A tripartite Salary Advisory Board, worked closely with ILO experts to present their recommendations to the Honorable Minister on a minimum wage for the Maldives. The recommendations were formally submitted to Minister on the eve of the Centenary celebrations in Male.
The ILO is the only international organisation which is tripartite, where workers and employers enjoy equal standing with governments in representation and decision making. Together they set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes upholding decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity for all.