United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2016 -2020, Republic of Maldives

In support of inclusive, equitable and sustainable development in the Republic of Maldives, the United Nations Country Team and the Government pledge to work closely together and with other development partners to support the fulfilment of national development aspirations, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 development agenda.
The collective aspiration under this United Nations Development Assistance Framework will be to move toward greater collaboration, focus and coherence in programming, and to enhance the impact of support as we seek to improve the quality of life for all people – women and men, girls and boys – in Maldives. In pursuit of these endeavours, we will respect and adhere to the principles and ideals of the United Nations, as well as the national commitments of the Republic of Maldives as a member of the international community.