Annual UN Country Results Report 2018

I am pleased to present the 2018 annual progress report of the United Nations Development Framework (UNDAF) 2016-2020. The UNDAF 2016-2020 is a joint commitment of UN and the Government of Maldives in building inclusive and equitable society and improving quality of life for all people in the Maldives. It is centered on making a difference in the four key areas which are Youth and Children, Gender, Governance, and Environment and Climate Change. The Annual Progress Report 2018 outlines the results and achievements of UNDAF in 2018, describes challenges and defines ways forward.
2018 is the third year of UNDAF implementation during which UN continued working with the Government of Maldives, CSOs and other stakeholders in providing sectoral policy analysis, generation of disaggregated data and evidence on those groups that are left behind to support informed decision making and policy formulation, strengthening institutional capacity and improving capacity building for data collection and monitoring and reporting in different sectors. UN continued to support advocacy of the SDGs in the country and their mainstreaming into the national and sectoral development policies and plans and creating database system to monitor and report SDGs implementation.
We facilitated formulation of education sector analysis and education sector plan, supported strengthening of health system and developed school nutrition policy and food-based guidelines. We have also supported institutional capacity of social service providers, judiciary and law enforcement agencies in improving their skills for prevention, protection and response to violence against children. Contributions were made in increasing the citizens’ voice and stronger rule of law and accountability systems for governance and creating for safe space for young people to engage in dialogue and strengthening access to justice for vulnerable people. Undoubtedly, national and local capacity building to prepare and respond to natural and manmade disasters were among the key focus areas of the UN work in the country.
Our strength lies in our partnerships. On behalf of the UN County Team in Maldives, I would like to thank our Government counterparts, CSOs, development partners and most of all, the people of the Maldives. As we embark on our achievements, we do recognize the work that lies ahead. We must continue working together, to reach out the furthest left behind first to ensure “leaving no one behind” and achieve sustainable, equitable and inclusive development. As a valued and trusted development partner of the Maldives, the UN stands with the people of the Maldives to work towards a brighter future.
Dr Arvind Mathur
United Nations Resident Coordinator a.i. United Nations in the Maldives